A downloadable tool for Windows

This tool is meant to be used in conjunction with a table TV for tabletop games like D&D, Pathfinder and DSA. It shows a fullscreen image on the table TV, that is easily controlled by a mini version on the preview screen. A masking feature also allows for hidden areas on the map.

You can follow the development on Github.

User Guide

Moving and Scaling View

Shift + Mouser Left Click + Drag: Move View Rectangle [red]

Shift + Mouse Scroll: Scale the View Rectangle [red]

Shift + Page-Up / Page-Down: Scale the View Rectangle [red]

Hint The yellow dots surrounding the red view rectangle represent a grid of 1 inch or 2,54mm to aid correct scaling without the need of watching the table TV. This feature doesn't work for every setup, as some drivers don't support reading out the actual monitor size.

Masking aka. Fog of War

Mouser Left Click + Drag: Create a new masking rectangle [green]

Mask Inversion

Shortcut I: Invert the masking

Mask Reset

Shortcut R: Remove all masking rectangles [green]

How to Start the Executable

The easy way

Just drag the image you want to display onto the MVTT.exe. It will automatically start with that image on the default display.

With Parameters

You can launch the tool from the command line or from a batchfile with parameters. You can find example batch files in the Builds folder:

  • First Parameter: The path to the image file you want to display.
  • Second Parameter (Optional): The index of the monitor on which to display the second window. If not provided, the tool will use the second monitor if available, or the primary monitor if only one exists.


MVTT.exe "C:\path\to\your_image.png" 1
Published 1 day ago
Release date 1 day ago
AuthorMake Game Repeat
TagsDungeons & Dragons, tablet, Tabletop, table-tv, Tabletop role-playing game, tv, VTT, VTT Battlemaps
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


MVTT_Release_20250324.zip 144 MB

Install instructions

This download folder contains precompiled release builds for windows.

MVTT.exe implements the default behaviour

MVTT_m0.exe allways selects Monitor 0

MVTT_m1.exe allways selects Monitor 1

MVTT_m2.exe allways selects Monitor 2 

"Windows Protected Your PC" Warning

When first starting the prebuild version, you may get a message stating: "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognizable app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk."

Starting MVTT.exe will not put your computer at risk. Unfortunately preventing this message would cost a lot of money, which I am not willing to pay. You can safely ignore this message and continue with it:

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